Designer Days 2012: Fashion made in Düsseldorf
A wedding dress with a flaming red veil, a safari look and a satin tennis skirt – the graduates of the Private Fashion School Düsseldorf showed their final collections on the catwalk in the steelworks at the weekend.
The fashion school kicked off the new trade fair “Düsseldorf Designer Days”, which was co-initiated by Aytunc Sular, owner of the model agency “A One Models”. The topic was optional for the 21 graduates. The designs were correspondingly diverse: sometimes colorful and eye-catching, sometimes purist in black and white like Melanie Knaepper. “I also like to wear simple and classic cuts,” said the 26-year-old. But what looked so simple was difficult to sew because the seams shouldn’t be visible. Many people had a penchant for draping and eye-catching cutouts on trousers, skirts and dresses. For Jaqueline Edling it was flounces in brown and pink, for Olga Lozhenitsyna it was waterfall necklines and bell-shaped trouser pockets. Young designer Natacha Zossoungbo showed her African-inspired collection in combination with heavy knitted pieces that were braided like braids.
“Braided things remind me of my homeland,” said Zossoungbo. The younger semesters also took part. The fourth-year students and the little models, who strolled down the catwalk with skilful nonchalance, were thrilled with children’s fashion in a marine style. The third-year students breathed new life into classic blazers with color and asymmetrical cuts.
Source: Rheinische Post January 30, 2012